Module stakkr.docker_actions

Docker functions to get info about containers

stakkr.docker_actions.add_container_to_network(container: str, network: str)[source]

Attach a container to a network

stakkr.docker_actions.block_ct_ports(service: str, ports: list, project_name: str) → tuple[source]

Run iptables commands to block a list of port on a specific container

stakkr.docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(project_name: str)[source]

Throws an error if cts are not running

stakkr.docker_actions.container_running(container: str)[source]

Returns True if the container is running else False

stakkr.docker_actions.create_network(network: str)[source]

Create a Network


Returns the API client or initialize it


Returns the client or initialize it

stakkr.docker_actions.get_ct_item(compose_name: str, item_name: str)[source]

Get a value from a container, such as name or IP

stakkr.docker_actions.get_ct_name(container: str)[source]

Returns the system name of a container, generated by docker-compose

stakkr.docker_actions.get_running_containers(project_name: str) → tuple[source]

Get the number of running containers and theirs details for the current stakkr instance

stakkr.docker_actions.get_running_containers_name(project_name: str) → list[source]

Get a list of compose names of running containers for the current stakkr instance

stakkr.docker_actions.get_subnet(project_name: str)[source]

Find the subnet of the current project


find the main docker daemon IP to add routes

stakkr.docker_actions.guess_shell(container: str) → str[source]

By searching for binaries, guess what could be the primary shell available

stakkr.docker_actions.network_exists(network: str)[source]

True if a network exists in docker, else False