Source code for stakkr.actions

Stakkr main controller. Used by the CLI to do all its actions

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import click
from clint.textui import colored, puts, columns
from stakkr import command, docker_actions, os_patch, package_utils
from stakkr.configreader import Config

[docs]class StakkrActions(): """Main class that does actions asked in the cli""" _services_to_display = { 'adminer': {'name': 'Adminer', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'apache': {'name': 'Web Server', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'mailcatcher': {'name': 'Mailcatcher (fake SMTP)', 'url': 'http://{}', 'extra_port': 25}, 'maildev': {'name': 'Maildev (Fake SMTP)', 'url': 'http://{}', 'extra_port': 25}, 'nginx': {'name': 'Web Server', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'portainer': {'name': 'Portainer (Docker GUI)', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'phpmyadmin': {'name': 'PhpMyAdmin', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'xhgui': {'name': 'XHGui (PHP Profiling)', 'url': 'http://{}'} } def __init__(self, base_dir: str, ctx: dict): # Work with directories and move to the right place self.stakkr_base_dir = base_dir self.context = ctx self.cwd_abs = os.getcwd() self.cwd_relative = self._get_relative_dir() os.chdir(self.stakkr_base_dir) # Set some general variables self.config_file = ctx['CONFIG'] self.compose_base_cmd = self._get_compose_base_cmd() self.cts = [] self.running_cts = [] # Get info from config self.config = self._get_config() self.main_config = self.config['main'] self.project_name = self.main_config.get('project_name')
[docs] def console(self, container: str, user: str, tty: bool): """Enter a container. Stakkr will try to guess the right shell""" docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) tty = 't' if tty is True else '' ct_name = docker_actions.get_ct_name(container) cmd = ['docker', 'exec', '-u', user, '-i' + tty] cmd += [docker_actions.get_ct_name(container), docker_actions.guess_shell(ct_name)] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command : "' + ' '.join(cmd) + '"')
[docs] def get_services_ports(self): """Once started, stakkr displays a message with the list of launched containers.""" dns_started = docker_actions.container_running('docker_dns') cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name)[1] text = '' for ct_id, ct_info in cts.items(): if ct_info['compose_name'] not in self._services_to_display: continue options = self._services_to_display[ct_info['compose_name']] url = get_url(options['url'], ct_info['compose_name'], dns_started) name = colored.yellow(options['name']) text += ' - For {}'.format(name).ljust(55, ' ') + ' : ' + url + '\n' if len(ct_info['ports']) > 0: text += ' '*4 + 'If you are using a Mac, do not use the ip but ' text += '"http://localhost:PORT" where PORT is ' text += ' or '.join(ct_info['ports']) + '\n' if 'extra_port' in options: port = str(options['extra_port']) text += ' '*4 + 'In your containers use the host ' text += '"{}" and port {}\n'.format(ct_info['compose_name'], port) return text
[docs] def exec_cmd(self, container: str, user: str, args: tuple, tty: bool): """Run a command from outside to any container. Wrapped into /bin/sh""" docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) # Protect args to avoid strange behavior in exec args = ['"{}"'.format(arg) for arg in args] tty = 't' if tty is True else '' ct_name = docker_actions.get_ct_name(container) cmd = ['docker', 'exec', '-u', user, '-i' + tty, ct_name, 'sh', '-c'] cmd += ["""test -d "/var/{0}" && cd "/var/{0}" ; exec {1}""".format(self.cwd_relative, ' '.join(args))] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command : "' + ' '.join(cmd) + '"'), stdin=sys.stdin)
[docs] def start(self, pull: bool, recreate: bool): """If not started, start the containers defined in config""" verb = self.context['VERBOSE'] debug = self.context['DEBUG'] try: docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is already started ...') sys.exit(0) except SystemError: pass if pull is True: command.launch_cmd_displays_output(self.compose_base_cmd + ['pull'], verb, debug, True) recreate_param = '--force-recreate' if recreate is True else '--no-recreate' cmd = self.compose_base_cmd + ['up', '-d', recreate_param, '--remove-orphans'] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command: ' + ' '.join(cmd)) command.launch_cmd_displays_output(cmd, verb, debug, True) self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) if self.running_cts is 0: raise SystemError("Couldn't start the containers, run the start with '-v' and '-d'") os_patch.start(self.project_name) self._run_iptables_rules() self._run_services_post_scripts()
[docs] def status(self): """Returns a nice table with the list of started containers""" try: docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) except SystemError: puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is currently stopped') sys.exit(0) dns_started = docker_actions.container_running('docker_dns') self._print_status_headers(dns_started) self._print_status_body(dns_started)
[docs] def stop(self): """If started, stop the containers defined in config. Else throw an error""" verb = self.context['VERBOSE'] debug = self.context['DEBUG'] docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) command.launch_cmd_displays_output(self.compose_base_cmd + ['stop'], verb, debug, True) os_patch.stop(self.project_name) self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) if self.running_cts is not 0: raise SystemError("Couldn't stop services ...")
def _call_service_post_script(self, service: str): service_script = package_utils.get_file('static', 'services/{}.sh'.format(service)) if os.path.isfile(service_script) is True: cmd = ['bash', service_script, docker_actions.get_ct_item(service, 'name')] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Service Script : ' + ' '.join(cmd)) def _get_compose_base_cmd(self): if self.context['CONFIG'] is None: return ['stakkr-compose'] return ['stakkr-compose', '-c', self.context['CONFIG']] def _get_config(self): config = Config(self.config_file) main_config = if main_config is False: config.display_errors() sys.exit(1) return main_config def _get_relative_dir(self): if self.cwd_abs.startswith(self.stakkr_base_dir): return self.cwd_abs[len(self.stakkr_base_dir):].lstrip('/') return '' def _print_status_headers(self, dns_started: bool): host_ip = ('HostName' if dns_started else 'IP')) puts(columns( [('Container')), 16], [host_ip, 25], [('Ports')), 25], [('Image')), 32], [('Docker ID')), 15], [('Docker Name')), 25] )) puts(columns( ['-'*16, 16], ['-'*25, 25], ['-'*25, 25], ['-'*32, 32], ['-'*15, 15], ['-'*25, 25] )) def _print_status_body(self, dns_started: bool): self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) for container in sorted(self.cts.keys()): ct_data = self.cts[container] if ct_data['ip'] == '': continue host_ip = ct_data['name'] if dns_started else ct_data['ip'] puts(columns( [ct_data['compose_name'], 16], [host_ip, 25], [', '.join(ct_data['ports']), 25], [ct_data['image'], 32], [ct_data['id'][:12], 15], [ct_data['name'], 25] )) def _run_iptables_rules(self): """For some containers we need to add iptables rules added from the config""" block_config = self.config['network-block'] for service, ports in block_config.items(): error, msg = docker_actions.block_ct_ports(service, ports, self.project_name) if error is True: click.secho(msg, fg='red') continue command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], msg) def _run_services_post_scripts(self): """A service can have a .sh file that will be executed once it's started. Useful to override some actions of the classical / """ if == 'nt': click.secho('Could not run service post scripts under Windows', fg='red') return for service in self.main_config.get('services'): self._call_service_post_script(service)
def get_url(service_url: str, service: str, dns_started: bool): """Build URL to be displayed""" service_name = docker_actions.get_ct_name(service) service_ip = docker_actions.get_ct_item(service, 'ip') return service_url.format(service_name if dns_started else service_ip)