

You must have Docker installed on your computer. Pick the right version for your OS from



You need to first install OS packages for Python3: pip, setuptools, virtualenv and (optionally) autoenv on your OS.

Also, to use docker for Linux as a normal user, you need to add your user to the docker group (see the documentation)

Example of installation of the dependencies on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-virtualenv virtualenv
$ sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ sudo pip3 install autoenv


There are 2 ways to intall Stakkr.

1. The easy way

Stakkr is usable as a library, it’s clean, you have a very beautiful tree once installed, and it’s recommended. You can install as many stakkrs that you need. Just be careful to set different names and networks in conf/compose.ini

1.1 Installation under Linux

For Ubuntu, you can download Docker from :

$ mkdir mydev
$ cd mydev
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 mydev_stakkr
$ source mydev_stakkr/bin/activate
$ pip --no-cache-dir install stakkr

It’ll run a post_install script that copy some templates / create base directories to work.

If you have installed autoenv, add into your .bashrc:

source `which`

1.2 Installation under Windows

First install python3 from and docker from

> pip install virtualenv
> mkdir mydev
> cd mydev
> virtualenv venv
> venv\Scripts\activate
> pip install stakkr


There are known limitations under windows : First the DNS won’t work and Second, stakkr has to create a route and change a few parameters inside MobyLinux.

1.3 Installation under MacOS

First install python3 from (3.6 is ok) and docker from

$ mkdir mydev
$ cd mydev
$ python3 -m venv mydev_stakkr
$ source mydev_stakkr/bin/activate
$ pip3 --no-cache-dir install stakkr


You can’t use containers IPs under MacOS. You need then to use exposed ports.

1.4 Development version

If you want to install the dev version, you can do the following :

$ pip install git+

2. The old way

Stakkr gets installed by cloning the github repo …. not recommended if you don’t develop on it.

You can clone the repository as many times as you want as you can have multiple instances at the same time. A good practice is too have one clone for one project or one clone for projects with the same versions of PHP / MySQL / Elasticsearch, etc …

$ git clone myenv

Once cloned, you can run the script made for Ubuntu (tested on 16.04) that will install the dependencies:

$ cd myenv
$ ./


To develop, use the 2nd way to install Stakkr then :

$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
$ py.test -c pytest.ini

To generate that doc :

$ cd docs
$ sphinx-autobuild . _build_html