Source code for stakkr.actions

Stakkr main controller. Used by the CLI to do all its actions

import os
from platform import system as os_name
import subprocess
import sys
import click
from clint.textui import colored, puts, columns
from stakkr import command, docker_actions, package_utils
from stakkr.configreader import Config

[docs]class StakkrActions(): """Main class that does actions asked in the cli""" _services_to_display = { 'adminer': {'name': 'Adminer', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'apache': {'name': 'Web Server', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'mailcatcher': {'name': 'Mailcatcher (fake SMTP)', 'url': 'http://{}', 'extra_port': 25}, 'maildev': {'name': 'Maildev (Fake SMTP)', 'url': 'http://{}', 'extra_port': 25}, 'nginx': {'name': 'Web Server', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'portainer': {'name': 'Portainer (Docker GUI)', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'phpmyadmin': {'name': 'PhpMyAdmin', 'url': 'http://{}'}, 'xhgui': {'name': 'XHGui (PHP Profiling)', 'url': 'http://{}'} } def __init__(self, base_dir: str, ctx: dict): # Work with directories and move to the right place self.stakkr_base_dir = base_dir self.context = ctx self.cwd_abs = os.getcwd() self.cwd_relative = self._get_relative_dir() os.chdir(self.stakkr_base_dir) # Set some general variables self.config_file = ctx['CONFIG'] self.compose_base_cmd = self._get_compose_base_cmd() self.cts = [] self.running_cts = [] # Get info from config self.config = self._get_config() self.main_config = self.config['main'] self.project_name = self.main_config.get('project_name')
[docs] def console(self, container: str, user: str, tty: bool): """Enter a container. Stakkr will try to guess the right shell""" docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) tty = 't' if tty is True else '' ct_name = docker_actions.get_ct_name(container) cmd = ['docker', 'exec', '-u', user, '-i' + tty] cmd += [docker_actions.get_ct_name(container), docker_actions.guess_shell(ct_name)] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command : "' + ' '.join(cmd) + '"')
[docs] def get_services_ports(self): """Once started, stakkr displays a message with the list of launched containers.""" cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name)[1] text = '' for ct_id, ct_info in cts.items(): if ct_info['compose_name'] not in self._services_to_display: continue options = self._services_to_display[ct_info['compose_name']] url = get_url(ct_info['ports'], options['url'], ct_info['compose_name']) name = colored.yellow(options['name']) text += ' - For {}'.format(name).ljust(55, ' ') + ' : ' + url + '\n' if 'extra_port' in options: port = str(options['extra_port']) text += ' '*4 + '(In your containers use the host ' text += '"{}" and port {})\n'.format(ct_info['compose_name'], port) return text
[docs] def exec_cmd(self, container: str, user: str, args: tuple, tty: bool): """Run a command from outside to any container. Wrapped into /bin/sh""" docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) # Protect args to avoid strange behavior in exec args = ['"{}"'.format(arg) for arg in args] tty = 't' if tty is True else '' ct_name = docker_actions.get_ct_name(container) cmd = ['docker', 'exec', '-u', user, '-i' + tty, ct_name, 'sh', '-c'] cmd += ["""test -d "/var/{0}" && cd "/var/{0}" ; exec {1}""".format(self.cwd_relative, ' '.join(args))] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command : "' + ' '.join(cmd) + '"'), stdin=sys.stdin)
[docs] def start(self, container: str, pull: bool, recreate: bool): """If not started, start the containers defined in config""" verb = self.context['VERBOSE'] debug = self.context['DEBUG'] self._is_containers_running(container) if pull is True: command.launch_cmd_displays_output(self.compose_base_cmd + ['pull'], verb, debug, True) recreate_param = '--force-recreate' if recreate is True else '--no-recreate' cmd = self.compose_base_cmd + ['up', '-d', recreate_param, '--remove-orphans'] cmd += self._get_single_container_option(container) command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Command: ' + ' '.join(cmd)) command.launch_cmd_displays_output(cmd, verb, debug, True) self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) if self.running_cts is 0: raise SystemError("Couldn't start the containers, run the start with '-v' and '-d'") self._run_iptables_rules() self._run_services_post_scripts()
[docs] def status(self): """Returns a nice table with the list of started containers""" try: docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) except SystemError: puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is currently stopped') sys.exit(0) self._print_status_headers() self._print_status_body()
[docs] def stop(self, container: str): """If started, stop the containers defined in config. Else throw an error""" verb = self.context['VERBOSE'] debug = self.context['DEBUG'] docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) cmd = self.compose_base_cmd + ['stop'] + self._get_single_container_option(container) command.launch_cmd_displays_output(cmd, verb, debug, True) self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) if self.running_cts is not 0 and container is None: raise SystemError("Couldn't stop services ...")
def _call_service_post_script(self, service: str): service_script = package_utils.get_file('static', 'services/{}.sh'.format(service)) if os.path.isfile(service_script) is True: cmd = ['bash', service_script, docker_actions.get_ct_item(service, 'name')] command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], 'Service Script : ' + ' '.join(cmd)) def _get_compose_base_cmd(self): if self.context['CONFIG'] is None: return ['stakkr-compose'] return ['stakkr-compose', '-c', self.context['CONFIG']] def _get_config(self): config = Config(self.config_file) main_config = if main_config is False: config.display_errors() sys.exit(1) return main_config def _get_single_container_option(self, container: str): if container is None: return [] return [container] def _get_relative_dir(self): if self.cwd_abs.startswith(self.stakkr_base_dir): return self.cwd_abs[len(self.stakkr_base_dir):].lstrip('/') return '' def _is_containers_running(self, container: str): try: docker_actions.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) except SystemError: return if container is None: puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is already started ...') sys.exit(0) # If single container : check if that specific one is running ct_name = docker_actions.get_ct_item(container, 'name') if docker_actions.container_running(ct_name): puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' service {} is already started ...'.format(container)) sys.exit(0) def _print_status_headers(self): puts(columns( [('Container')), 16], ['IP'), 25], [('Ports')), 25], [('Image')), 32], [('Docker ID')), 15], [('Docker Name')), 25] )) puts(columns( ['-'*16, 16], ['-'*25, 25], ['-'*25, 25], ['-'*32, 32], ['-'*15, 15], ['-'*25, 25] )) def _print_status_body(self): self.running_cts, self.cts = docker_actions.get_running_containers(self.project_name) for container in sorted(self.cts.keys()): ct_data = self.cts[container] if ct_data['ip'] == '': continue puts(columns( [ct_data['compose_name'], 16], [ct_data['ip'], 25], [', '.join(ct_data['ports']), 25], [ct_data['image'], 32], [ct_data['id'][:12], 15], [ct_data['name'], 25] )) def _run_iptables_rules(self): """For some containers we need to add iptables rules added from the config""" block_config = self.config['network-block'] for service, ports in block_config.items(): error, msg = docker_actions.block_ct_ports(service, ports, self.project_name) if error is True: click.secho(msg, fg='red') continue command.verbose(self.context['VERBOSE'], msg) def _run_services_post_scripts(self): """A service can have a .sh file that will be executed once it's started. Useful to override some actions of the classical / """ if == 'nt': click.secho('Could not run service post scripts under Windows', fg='red') return for service in self.main_config.get('services'): self._call_service_post_script(service)
def get_url(ports: list, service_url: str, service: str): """Build URL to be displayed""" # If not linux, I can't use IPs so display only exposed ports if ports and os_name() in ['Windows', 'Darwin']: main_port = ports[0] ports.remove(main_port) return 'http://localhost:{}'.format(main_port) + ' or '.join(ports) return service_url.format(docker_actions.get_ct_item(service, 'ip'))