Source code for stakkr.docker_actions

"""Docker functions to get info about containers"""

from docker.errors import NotFound, NullResource
__st__ = {'cts_info': dict(), 'running_cts': 0}

[docs]def add_container_to_network(container: str, network: str): """Attach a container to a network""" if _container_in_network(container, network) is True: return False docker_network = get_client().networks.get(network) docker_network.connect(container) return True
[docs]def block_ct_ports(service: str, ports: list, project_name: str) -> tuple: """Run iptables commands to block a list of port on a specific container""" try: container = get_client().containers.get(get_ct_item(service, 'id')) except (LookupError, NullResource): return (False, '{} is not started, no port to block'.format(service)) status, iptables = container.exec_run(['which', 'iptables']) iptables = iptables.decode().strip() if iptables == '': return (True, "Can't block ports on {}, is iptables installed ?".format(service)) _allow_contact_subnet(project_name, container) # Now for each port, add an iptable rule for port in ports: rule = ['OUTPUT', '-p', 'tcp', '--dport', port, '-j', 'REJECT'] try: container.exec_run([iptables, '-D'] + rule) finally: container.exec_run([iptables, '-A'] + rule) return (False, 'Blocked ports {} on container {}'.format(', '.join(ports), service))
[docs]def check_cts_are_running(project_name: str): """Throws an error if cts are not running""" get_running_containers(project_name) if __st__['running_cts'] is 0: raise SystemError('Have you started your server with the start action ?')
[docs]def container_running(container: str): """Returns True if the container is running else False""" try: return get_api_client().inspect_container(container)['State']['Running'] except (NotFound, NullResource): return False
[docs]def create_network(network: str): """Create a Network""" if network_exists(network): return False return get_client().networks.create(network, driver='bridge').id
[docs]def get_api_client(): """Returns the API client or initialize it""" if 'api_client' not in __st__: from docker import APIClient, utils params = utils.kwargs_from_env() base_url = None if 'base_url' not in params else params['base_url'] tls = None if 'tls' not in params else params['tls'] __st__['api_client'] = APIClient(base_url=base_url, tls=tls) return __st__['api_client']
[docs]def get_client(): """Returns the client or initialize it""" if 'client' not in __st__: from docker import client __st__['client'] = client.from_env() return __st__['client']
[docs]def get_ct_item(compose_name: str, item_name: str): """Get a value from a container, such as name or IP""" if 'cts_info' not in __st__: raise LookupError('Before getting an info from a ct, run check_cts_are_running()') for ct_id, ct_data in __st__['cts_info'].items(): if ct_data['compose_name'] == compose_name: return ct_data[item_name] return ''
[docs]def get_ct_name(container: str): """Returns the system name of a container, generated by docker-compose""" ct_name = get_ct_item(container, 'name') if ct_name == '': raise LookupError('{} does not seem to be started ...'.format(container)) return ct_name
[docs]def get_subnet(project_name: str): """Find the subnet of the current project""" network_info = get_client().networks.get(project_name.replace('-', '') + '_stakkr').attrs return network_info['IPAM']['Config'][0]['Subnet'].split('/')[0]
[docs]def get_switch_ip(): """find the main docker daemon IP to add routes""" import socket cmd = r"""/bin/sh -c "ip addr show hvint0 | grep -oE '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}'" """ res = get_client() 'alpine', remove=True, tty=True, privileged=True, network_mode='host', pid_mode='host', command=cmd) ip_addr = res.strip().decode() try: socket.inet_aton(ip_addr) return ip_addr except socket.error: raise ValueError('{} is not a valid ip, check docker is running')
[docs]def get_running_containers(project_name: str) -> tuple: """Get the number of running containers and theirs details for the current stakkr instance""" from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError filters = { 'name': '{}_'.format(project_name), 'status': 'running', 'network': '{}_stakkr'.format(project_name).replace('-', '')} try: cts = get_client().containers.list(filters=filters) except ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError('Make sure docker is installed and running') for container in cts: container_info = _extract_container_info(project_name, __st__['cts_info'][container_info['name']] = container_info __st__['running_cts'] = len(cts) return (__st__['running_cts'], __st__['cts_info'])
[docs]def get_running_containers_name(project_name: str) -> list: """Get a list of compose names of running containers for the current stakkr instance""" cts = get_running_containers(project_name)[1] return sorted([ct_data['compose_name'] for docker_name, ct_data in cts.items()])
[docs]def guess_shell(container: str) -> str: """By searching for binaries, guess what could be the primary shell available""" container = get_client().containers.get(container) cmd = 'which -a bash sh' status, shells = container.exec_run(cmd, stdout=True, stderr=False) shells = shells.splitlines() if b'/bin/bash' in shells: return '/bin/bash' elif b'/bin/sh' in shells: return '/bin/sh' raise EnvironmentError('Could not find a shell for that container')
[docs]def network_exists(network: str): """True if a network exists in docker, else False""" try: get_client().networks.get(network) return True except NotFound: return False
def _allow_contact_subnet(project_name: str, container: str) -> None: status, iptables = container.exec_run(['which', 'iptables']) iptables = iptables.decode().strip() if iptables == '': return False subnet = get_subnet(project_name) + '/24' # Allow internal network try: container.exec_run([iptables, '-D', 'OUTPUT', '-d', subnet, '-j', 'ACCEPT']) finally: container.exec_run([iptables, '-A', 'OUTPUT', '-d', subnet, '-j', 'ACCEPT']) def _extract_container_info(project_name: str, ct_id: str): """Get a hash of info about a container : name, ports, image, ip ...""" try: ct_data = get_api_client().inspect_container(ct_id) except NotFound: return None cts_info = { 'id': ct_id, 'name': ct_data['Name'].lstrip('/'), 'compose_name': ct_data['Config']['Labels']['com.docker.compose.service'], 'ports': _extract_host_ports(ct_data), 'image': ct_data['Config']['Image'], 'ip': _get_ip_from_networks(project_name, ct_data['NetworkSettings']['Networks']), 'running': ct_data['State']['Running'] } return cts_info def _extract_host_ports(config: list): ports = [] for ct_port, host_ports in config['HostConfig']['PortBindings'].items(): ports += [host_port['HostPort'] for host_port in host_ports] return ports def _get_ip_from_networks(project_name: str, networks: list): """Get a list of IPs for a network""" project_name = project_name.replace('-', '') network_settings = {} if '{}_stakkr'.format(project_name) in networks: network_settings = networks['{}_stakkr'.format(project_name)] return network_settings['IPAddress'] if 'IPAddress' in network_settings else '' def _container_in_network(container: str, expected_network: str): """Returns True if a container is in a network else false. Used by add_container_to_network""" try: ct_data = get_api_client().inspect_container(container) except NotFound: raise LookupError('Container {} does not seem to exist'.format(container)) for connected_network in ct_data['NetworkSettings']['Networks'].keys(): if connected_network == expected_network: return True return False