Custom Services


If you need a specific service that is not included in stakkr by default, you can add a yml file into services/ directory.

Write a Service

A stakkr service respects the docker-compose standard, plus a few customizations.

Some rules:

  • The yaml file must be named with the same name than the service
  • That name will help to define the name of the service in conf/compose.ini
  • You are free to add everything you want to conf/compose.ini
  • A configuration parameter such as php.ram generates an environment variable that looks like DOCKER_PHP_RAM.


Let’s make a xyz service. The file will be located into services/ as xyz.yml.

version: '2.2'

        image: myself/xyz:${DOCKER_XYZ_VERSION}
        mem_limit: ${DOCKER_XYZ_RAM}
        container_name: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_xyz
        hostname: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_xyz
        networks: [stakkr]
            - traefik.frontend.rule=Host:xyz.${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}.${PROXY_DOMAIN}

Now in conf/compose.ini:

xyz.version=1.13-alpine # what's in DOCKER_XYZ_VERSION
xyz.ram=256M # what's in DOCKER_XYZ_RAM


$ stakkr restart --recreate
$ stakkr status

To run a command, use the standard exec wrapper:

$ stakkr exec xyz cat /etc/xyz/xyz.conf

Build your service instead of using an existing image

When you need to build your own image and use it in stakkr, you just need to add a Dockerfile, like below, then run stakkr-compose build each time you need to build it. Once built, a simple stakkr start is enough to start it.

  • services/memcached.yml file :
version: '2.2'

        build: ${COMPOSE_BASE_DIR}/services/memcached
        mem_limit: 1024M
        container_name: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_memcached
        hostname: ${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME}_memcached
        networks: [stakkr]
  • services/memcached/Dockerfile file :
FROM memcached:1.5-alpine

# RUN ... your own logic
  • In conf/compose.ini file, add :