Source code for stakkr.proxy

# coding: utf-8
"""Manage public proxy to expose containers."""

import click
from docker.errors import DockerException
from stakkr import docker_actions as docker
from stakkr.file_utils import get_dir

[docs]class Proxy: """Main class that does actions asked by the cli.""" def __init__(self, http_port: int = 80, https_port: int = 443, ct_name: str = 'proxy_stakkr', version: str = 'latest'): """Set the right values to start the proxy.""" self.ports = {'http': http_port, 'https': https_port} self.ct_name = ct_name self.docker_client = docker.get_client() self.version = version
[docs] def start(self, stakkr_network: str = None): """Start stakkr proxy if stopped.""" if docker.container_running(self.ct_name) is False: print('[STARTING]', fg='green') + ' traefik') self._start_container() # Connect it to network if asked if stakkr_network is not None: docker.add_container_to_network(self.ct_name, stakkr_network)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop stakkr proxy.""" if docker.container_running(self.ct_name) is False: return print('[STOPPING]', fg='green') + ' traefik') proxy_ct = self.docker_client.containers.get(self.ct_name) proxy_ct.stop()
def _start_container(self): """Start proxy.""" proxy_conf_dir = get_dir('static/proxy') try: self.docker_client.images.pull('traefik:{}'.format(self.version)) 'traefik:{}'.format(self.version), remove=True, detach=True, hostname=self.ct_name, name=self.ct_name, volumes=[ '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock', '{}/traefik.toml:/etc/traefik/traefik.toml'.format(proxy_conf_dir), '{}/ssl:/etc/traefik/ssl'.format(proxy_conf_dir)], ports={80: self.ports['http'], 8080: 8080, 443: self.ports['https']}) except DockerException as error: raise RuntimeError("Can't start proxy ...({})".format(error))